Tuesday, August 28, 2007

To France!!! Rome in turmoil

Extradition...if you don't already know. It was most definitely a turn off (pun intended) for Noriega and his counsel when they learned of the recommendation for Noriega to be extradited to France to serve a sentence of 10 years for money laundering . Not to mention Panama's call for him to be extradited to his country to stand trial.

And abortion is back on the agenda. This is due to an expectant mother of twins who after doing an amniocentesis test decided to abort one of the twins who had Down's syndrome. The twist is that instead of having the 2 beautiful babies God had intended her to have, this woman will be having nada. This is due to the healthy baby being aborted by error. Why can't we let things run their course, where is the joy in surprises that God himself has prepared for us? Hmm? boy o boy I say.

As it relates to my studies, I am still going strong. Have not been deterred yet.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The worst teacher ever

Work has taken a glorious ride in the backseat of the cab on this road to somewhere, not quite sure yet but the destination is promising. I sigh and wonder how life is treating other fellow citizens of earth out there. And you may wonder does she really care? or why the heck would she want to know that? God alone knows but for some reason at this point of writing I do care.

Work is moving along with the time. What else can I say, deadlines are not as strict, I can study at my desk if I so chose and so forth. You get the drill. I decided that I needed a timetable (like duh) and so I should ensure that before this day is out that I have a comprehensive one, self-lectures, self tutorials, revision, reading and the works.

I have the worst teacher ever, she barks at me when my train of thought on an issue is wack, she never fails to register nor express her disgust at my aptitude or lack thereof and the worst part, I never get a break from this woman!!!! When I pass a mirror, she is there, I am sleeping she is there...blast it I would like to slack off without her knowing for once. Thank God she is not my boss.

Later folks.

US A-G Resigns

And he's out!!!!! Talking about bushwhacked...sorry I meant bush backed A-G, alberto Gonzales. He tendered his resignation, my darlings and well it is claim that Bush reluctantly accepted.

It is not UK news, but still significant as the US as influenced by British history has a common law tradition permeating their legal system. Though suffering from constitutional differences, the concept is the same..judicial review. Public authorities and bodies need to realize that they are not above the law..no matter how low the law gets, the are always under its rule. Or ideally that is the essence, right. I hate when these people speak of rule of law and fail to see that their actions is in contradiction of certain tenets of the concept.

His resignation is welcomed, that is the pressure that should come to bear on any public authority accountable to the electorate, if they fail to respect such accountability.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Catching up!!

Been travelling quite a bit here in blogland, or is it blawgland? Even managed to get myself caught on a misdeameanour in the land of 'Nearly Legal'. Got off quite easily once I swore never to do said frowned upon activity again.

Been swimming in inforrmation and now I know what it means when they say 'the law is ever-changing'. Law reports daily that may support a certain legal principle or may deviate in some way from it. Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Rules that will take effect on 1 October 2007, and I have not much idea what the Crim PR is all about as yet. Hmmm for some amazing reason, I am not daunted.

Any person with knowledge about the CrimPR and who wishes to take on the task of bringing me up to speed is more than welcome. Although I do notice that no one ever takes me up on the task to comment on the issues that I do present. I wonder why I even bother to ask. Well, toodles folks.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Chindamo and all that human rights!

Welcome back to Legally Blonde, fellow blogger on law school issues. Well, it is the 22nd of August in London and I am still on the 21st here in Jamaica but upon checking out the news on the TIMES, the focus is the same as yesterday. The UK's inability to deport Learco Chindamo based on the fact that deportation would be a breach of his human rights to family life. I mean sad as it is because the Lawrence family feel as if they have not been served justice but how can you deport someone to a country that they left at 6 yrs and who lacks fluency in the mother tongue? Hmmm!

According to the TIMES, there is some secret document that supports claims that Chindamo will be a threat to society. After all, based on his notoriety and public opinion, people hate his guts, so is it better to deport him so that he can get acquainted with his Italian roots and possibly get accepted or respect his need for family and let him stay and be ostracized. Check out the story and the info. Let me know what you think!

I'm a Survivor!!!!

Well, Dean, Hurricane Dean that is, has come and gone. Many Jamaicans were affected adversely, however, we have to thank God that it did not continue on the projected course as the aftermath would have been deadlier. Yes, there were 2 deaths confirmed, sad but hopefully with time, we will get back on track.

And for that matter, the General Elections scheduled for the 27th of August has been postponed until the 3rd of September. Well! Well!

I was so determined in my studies during the Hurricane, especially after a client at my hairdresser noted that I would have hell completing my studies successfully, and with only candlelight I worked through my syllabus and read at least 2 chapters....not bad under the circumstances, if I may say so myself. Whooo lemme catch my breath.

Well until later, I have to go do my job, should have a entry exam tomorrow but that was postponed so it's as if our lives have been delayed. But no delays for CLRI, Crim law, Contract or Public Law. Onward!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hurricane on the way

And the hurricane is on the way!!!! Dean, at the moment category 3 is making its way towards Jamaica. Praying that it will change its course.

As for my studies, still keeping up, reading my cases, notes and guides. Working diligently through English Legal system. Ever since beginning this course, I see the law everywhere. How corny, OMG but tis true. One more step towards that goal, now according to my guide, I need to start thinking like a lawyer and develop some proper legal method. When I get there I will let you know!

What are the views on Peter Smith LJ and the call for him to resign? Let me know. PEACE

Thursday, August 16, 2007

So many cases, so little time!!!!

I have not even begun to glance at criminal law and the case load from contract has my head twirling. I stay up until odd hours of the night and I can barely finish a subsection of my subject guide. Over 9 hours and no breakthrough, OH MY GOSH!!!!!

Maybe I am going about this the wrong way. I shall not fail even if it means no sleep for a year, onward must I trod. Peace.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ripples in the Brook

I got my study material from London yesterday and to say the least I was elated. I was scared and excited, all at the same time. I must say thanks to Lot53 and Emancipated for taking the time to read and leave their comments...at least I know there is someone out there with me.

After my excitement had faded into the background with novelty of opening the packages, I wondered if I would feel this enthusiastic in a few months. I have to be realistic when the going gets tough, what the hell will I be doing? Like ripples in the brook will I expand my wings throughout this journey until I touch the shore of culmination or will my ripple be too small to even cause a second effect? Hmmm.....I don't know but soon we will all find out.

As I read the postings of fellow bloggers like Susie Law School, I realised how swiftly the time went as I read, they were finishing semesters and school years in minutes. Then there is the flip side will I be ready in time. Tune in tomorrow for what awaits me as I walk boldly through the wardrobe to LAWSCHOOL

A peek through the window

Hey Folks!

I have taken a peek through the window and I like what I see. I will most definitely regret saying this when the intensity of the course start to pile up. I am currently looking at the English legal system and as my course outline now calls it "Common law Reasoning and Institutions".

Blackstone isn't such a bad fellow to read. I have finished a brief scan of the introductory commentary. Most definitely need to revisit that in greater detail. I will not attempt to even discuss certain topics until I feel I have read sufficiently well to do so. However, it became rather clear that the reform of the House of Lords is highly necessary, I believe when there is a custom or way of doing something that was predicated on an existing social condition or circumstance which no longer exists, then revision must be given to that custom. Obviously, these nobles and peers were deemed to be more educated because duh!!! and no surprise here they were the class that had the wealth to access books and other materials as opposed to the meaner people of that society. In light of globalization and the access which poor and underprivileged persons have to education, that entire social condition has changed somewhat. In fact, do away with them I say! Off with their peerage!

There is a story I heard a while back about a daughter who grew up watching her mother prepare ham for the Christmas dinner every year. and every year her mother would cut off a huge chunk off one end of the ham and throw it away. And thus the tradition continued until her daughter asked her why she had to cut off that huge chunk and waste it... her natural reply was "that was the way my mother did it". The little girl decided to ask her grandmother why she did it, to which her grandma replied " the ham was too big for the baking pan I had back then". So you see, blindly following certain customs without an appreciation for their background can actually be wasteful. I welcome all comments and debates, if I am an idiot, I want to know now so that I can improve my lot in time for first year exams.

Peace out!


Aaah, welcome to my blog. Glad to have you and Lord knows I will need the support and encouragement for what I am about to undertake. I have decided to pursue my LLB in just 2 years through an External programme and that's not the hair-raising part.....I intend to do all this without attending a lecture or tutuorial.

The question is can I make it??? What do you think? OH I almost forgot..I work full-time. The more I type, the more clearly it seems as if I may have bitten off more than I can chew but what the heck I just might have the balls to swallow it whole!!!

I am not from Europe, not from the USA, I am from a proud but humble island called Jamaica. Yeah you may have heard of it..Bob Marley and the fastest man in the world, Asafa Powell. Yeah!!! That's us and I plan to add my name to the Hall of Fame....crazy girl to complete law degree in 2 years with no formal teaching while holding down a full time job and the stress of a relationship and life. WATCH ME WORK!