Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Darn It!

I spent a while writing a good little entry for the blog but I have no idea where the hell it went and of course I am in no mood at the moment to replicate that.

People! What's up with the Microsoft ruling handed down from the European CFI? Do you agree? Should Microsoft share its software and change its method of selling its products?. All of this in light of the fact that organizations such as the WTO advocate for liberalization of trade and services while members of the EU and the US still pay out huge sums in farm and other subsidies. The world will never be fair.

Readers do not think for a second that because I have not been boring you with my weekly lessons that I have slacked off. I am reading intently and practising, I have fallen in love with a topic on my Crim Law syllabus : actus reus - causation. But I here that students usually like Crim law so I guess that's nothing unusual. I have a bone to pick though, for a area that has so many brilliant minds why is it that as soon as I read a rule, I read a few sentences later that there are many exceptions to the rule that often make the rule seem like the exception. In the Spirit of Reform, the Law Commission needs to work on those areas assiduously.

I opened my mail to see words of encouragement from a student in Malaysia. Thanks for the support!! Hopefully, I will benefit from the material that he promises to share.

I have a task for all my readers! I am working on increasing the vocabulary and like Akeelah I believe that every person I encounter can be my teacher int his quest. So anyone who wants to share words, some I may know others I may not. SHARE!

For my freedom! friend I hope that you were apprised. Write soon.


Anonymous said...

Okay Akeelah ...."Imbue" and "Propitiate"

Lot 53 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lot 53 said...

I've been keeping tabs on your studies even though I haven't commented for a long time... be aware I'm still watching

One of my current favorite words is Plethora (superabundance; excess) Hubby's is Proclivity (a natural propensity or inclination; predisposition)

I love sharing words, I put them on my posts from time to time.

Now back to your books young lady!

~ oops sorry that delete was me; I accidently deleted my original post ~smiles~

Emanicipated? said...

My scholar, I must commend you on your constant pursuit for self development.....my contribution today is "Plenitude"....an abundance, the condition of being full or complete. I also want to contribute an old favourite "Errata"....yep saying error would be easy, but not nearly as cool.

Onward and Upward at all times...later

Reggae Barrister said...

The outpouring of contributions to my vocabulary from my regular readers and cheerleaders, and even an anonymous entry, so IMBUED me with the spirit of renewed dedication and a change from my PROCLIVITY to procrastinate.

I am truly grateful for the help and so as to PROPITIATE my "teachers", I have practised my new words hoping against all hope that there are no ERRATA in this comment, although I did not spot an ERRATA in the original post. (Notice to Emancipated! I have used it in both a singular and plural sense. Hope I made you proud)

I await a PLETHORA of new words to come! I have a word to share smuggled from Charon's blawg and it is "tergiversate"! GO RESEARCH!!!

Anonymous said...

How about some latin?
This is a personal fave, and commonly used in the Law of Contract:
Nemo Dat Quon Non Habet ( I cannot give what I do not have).

Reggae Barrister said...

Anonymous, as a law student, how could I not appreciate the virtues of Latin. Never mind efforts expended by certain members of the society to make law simpler i.e. less Latin and legal lingo. Thank you.

Reggae Barrister said...

Anonymous, upon researching the term I see that there has been a mistake. The phrase is NEMO DAT QUOD NON HABET as opposed to NEMO DAT QUON NON HABET..I put that down to typographical error. it actually led me to a rather interesting case (shogun Finance Ltd v Hudson). Thanks again