Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How Noble Are You Dr. James Watson???

1962 Noble Prize recipient for Medicine, Dr. James Watson is again on a roll!!! Latest is that studies show that black people are less intelligent than white people. Wow!! All I can say is that this is hella motivation for me to ensure that racist asses like this have exceptions to their biased views and when those exceptions turn out to be the rule, what then Dr. Watson? This man was a part of the team that discovered the structure of DNA, so you are tempted to say that he must know what the hell he is saying. After all DNA is the boss when it comes to the make-up of humans but I gotta turn my back on this "scientific fact". I wonder if I were white if I would feel this way?

After all I do believe that white people have no rhythm, maybe I am being hypocritical. I have to evaluate that one but for now Dr. Watson you are an arse.

1 comment:

Emanicipated? said...

How is the studying going?