Friday, August 24, 2007

Catching up!!

Been travelling quite a bit here in blogland, or is it blawgland? Even managed to get myself caught on a misdeameanour in the land of 'Nearly Legal'. Got off quite easily once I swore never to do said frowned upon activity again.

Been swimming in inforrmation and now I know what it means when they say 'the law is ever-changing'. Law reports daily that may support a certain legal principle or may deviate in some way from it. Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Rules that will take effect on 1 October 2007, and I have not much idea what the Crim PR is all about as yet. Hmmm for some amazing reason, I am not daunted.

Any person with knowledge about the CrimPR and who wishes to take on the task of bringing me up to speed is more than welcome. Although I do notice that no one ever takes me up on the task to comment on the issues that I do present. I wonder why I even bother to ask. Well, toodles folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that comment - I hadn't even had my first coffee of the day when I made it. I didn't mean to sound like such a git. I've added a semi-apology in the comments on that post.

I'm Civil Litigation, not Criminal, so can't help you there, but it is generally true that both procedure and substantive law are always changing. Once you've got the overall framework, it is just a matter of adapting and updating, but when you are starting out, it certainly can look daunting.