Monday, August 27, 2007

The worst teacher ever

Work has taken a glorious ride in the backseat of the cab on this road to somewhere, not quite sure yet but the destination is promising. I sigh and wonder how life is treating other fellow citizens of earth out there. And you may wonder does she really care? or why the heck would she want to know that? God alone knows but for some reason at this point of writing I do care.

Work is moving along with the time. What else can I say, deadlines are not as strict, I can study at my desk if I so chose and so forth. You get the drill. I decided that I needed a timetable (like duh) and so I should ensure that before this day is out that I have a comprehensive one, self-lectures, self tutorials, revision, reading and the works.

I have the worst teacher ever, she barks at me when my train of thought on an issue is wack, she never fails to register nor express her disgust at my aptitude or lack thereof and the worst part, I never get a break from this woman!!!! When I pass a mirror, she is there, I am sleeping she is there...blast it I would like to slack off without her knowing for once. Thank God she is not my boss.

Later folks.


MizJai (pronounced miz jay) said...

Sounds like we have something in common; I too am my worst critic of how I use my time. I would skip sleep (if I could keep my clarity), exercise (if I could keep my figure), food (if I could keep my stomach from growling) just to write another line of (a business plan, company policy, poetry, hope, prose . . .).

Anonymous said...

ha, I will test my thought, your post get me some good ideas, it's really awesome, thanks.

- Norman